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Recruitment Fraud Notice

It has come to our attention that unauthorized individuals have attempted to use the Henry Ford Health name and logo, as well as the names of executives, directors, and other employees, in emails, online chat platforms such as Google Hangouts, from a program called Telegram, and on websites to solicit money and/or in many cases personal details from the prospective job candidates.

Applications for a career at Henry Ford Health are to be submitted through Henry Ford Health’s applicant tracking system which can be found through our careers webpage [https://henryford.referrals.selectminds.com]. You will also be communicated with through an @hfhs.org email address or an email address from one of our recruitment solution vendors. Any correspondence relating to Henry Ford Health career opportunities from a personal email such as Yahoo, Gmail, AOL etc. such as, hrhenryford@consultant.com is fraudulent.

Should you have any doubts about the authenticity of an email regarding job postings, offer letters, or interview requests, purportedly from, for, or on behalf of Henry Ford Health, please contact us at Iamhenrytalent@hfhs.org

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